
Our goal was to increase awareness and knowledge about autism in the Somali community. Our annual workshops have been very successful, with most family members attending. We have been delighted to see a growing understanding of what autism is and how it affects families.

With our community partners’ help, we have provided more culturally-sensitive services for those who need them. Our annual Reports include information about our programs and services and the latest research in autism care at the local and state levels.

September -December 2022 Activities Snapshot

Number of families served = 19

Number of public awareness events held = 13

Number of trainings offered = 4

September 2022-December 2023 Activities Snapshot

Number of families served = 80

Number of public awareness events held = 30

Number of cultural responsive trainings= 6

Number of Participants= 213

Number of Autism related trainings= 7

Number of participants= 60

Number of trainings offered = 12